
Advantages of the “green”, LEGO - like, AAC home building technology

Fire resistant (Tests up to 8 hours.Thermal rating at 2,900 degrees F)
Fire resistance is excellent, AAC is noncombustible, will not burn nor give off toxic fumes.

Wind load resistant: Can withstand winds up to 220 mph.

Water Penetration/mould & rot resistant due to micro structure and a large number of pores.

Insects & Rodents resistant

Thermal and Sound Insulation are excellent. Cool in summer, warm in winter (Energy savings!)

R-Values for AAC are comparable to conventional frame walls.

Environmentally friendly.

Low carbon footprint: non-toxic, zero CO2 emissions in its manufacturing along with CO2 mitigation from the Hydrogen gas release in its manufacturing.

Light in weight due to 80% air content. Product swims in water. Density: 20-50 lbs/pcf.

Reduced Construction Time: due to it being a complete wall system when built, time required
relative to the size of the structure i.e. 2-3 days per home. LEGO principle.

Base Production Materials: All are available in Canada: cement, lime, water, fine sand and aluminum powder as the expansion agent.

Easy Transport & Storage as the product is sold in panels and blocks.

Easy Handling – basic carpentry skills and no specialized tools required.

AAC is Cost competitive with stick-built wood, SIP and ICF construction.

Lower Energy Costs.

High compression Strength: 300 – 1080 psi.

Long Life Expectancy of up to 200 years vs 50 years for stick-built wooden homes.

Training of indigenous Labour.

Hebel AAC is being used for mushroom cultivation in Ontario.